Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rained off day at work

Got rained off work today ,so decided to go out and have the woods to myself .Only saw one lone mountain biker in the distance all day.It was a breezy day but the sun was out so much for the rain.I walk through ranscombe farm ,down to the crossroads and up into the birch woods then up into chestnut walk and along to the mausoleum from there i walked back down and out into the field that over looks upper bush and dean farm.That's were i decided to set up my tarp and have some thing to eat.I also took along my crusader mug and cooker and boiled some water for a nice mug of hot chocolate using a green heat sachet for fuel.Then just kicked back and took in the view,after a hour or so i packed up and waked into the woods towards the pine woods,were i found some wild strawberries growing and also herb bennet,through the pine woods and back up to ranscombe farm and back to the car,better than work any day.

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